LightParts Glows Red for #RedAlertRESTART
LightParts joined our colleagues across the United States at 9PM on September 1st, lighting the mighty LightParts world headquarters located in Austin, Texas in red as part of the #WeMakeEvents RedAlertRESTART event. This event included over 1500 buildings lit in red across the nation to draw attention to the plight of the entertainment industry due to the Covid 19 pandemic. LightParts is strongly supportive of the RedAlertRESTART campaign to raise awareness of the issues facing our friends who work at live events, and to press the US Congress to pass the RESTART Act (S.3814), which aims to bring relief to the hard hit people of the entertainment business.
Robert Mokry of LightParts said, “According to statistics, live events is an $877 billion per year industry. 77% of people in the live events industry have lost 100% of their income, 97% of 1099 workers have lost their jobs, and 96% of companies have cut staff and/or wages. We were among the first to close and will likely be among the last to recover. We need help from Congress NOW! LightParts is humbled to do our little part to help bring attention to the RESTART Act. We urge all our colleagues and friends to continue to flood your Congressional representatives with email and personal messages, reiterating the need to pass the RESTART Act ASAP. Don’t let up. We can’t wait much longer”.
For more info, emailparts@lightparts.com, or call at 512-873-7106.